Check out my amazing friends! Anna is getting married in July, Kisten has a four month old baby and they still made time to fly down to Phoenix to visit me! Who could ask for better friends! We had so much fun. We took the kids to bounce U and I think we had more fun than the kids. We did lots of shopping and went to the Rainforest cafe. Talan was terrified of the animals. He put his hands over his ears every time all the animals would make their sounds.

Maddy had so much fun with her friend Quincy! They stayed up until about 11:00 each night and then woke up bright and early the next morning so they wouldn't miss any time with each other. Maddy wished on a star that Quincy could stay forever. So when Quincy went home she had a really hard time. She really thought her wish would come true.

Ryan has a new best friend, baby Ace. Hopefully we will see him enough that they really will be best friends. I can just see it in their faces, they are bonded for life!

By the end of their trip we were so sleep deprived that this is how their vacation ended. We were all a little crazy, but it was so much fun! Anna and I were having flashbacks of elementary and middle school when we were camera happy. And then I went through that same phase with Kisten 5 years later. Okay, maybe I never got out of that phase, I think I am still a little camera happy. Their trip went by so fast, but we had so much fun! Thanks girls, you guys are the best!!!!