Maddy started 1st grade twice this year. This first picture is what we thought would be her first 1st day, but we were wrong. When she got to school the teacher did not have enough chairs for the students, they may or may not have tried to take a nap (Maddy said they laid down for 15 minutes for PE?), and then when we went to pick her up, she was no where to be found! She was lost for about 5 of the longest minutes of our lives. The teacher claimed she led her through the doors where all the kids were let out...this is bogus as Spencer was standing there the whole time. Nevertheless, Maddy did not return to this first school.

Maddy showing her excitement for her first day without having to wear a uniform...remember uniform starts with "u."

Losing it as Mom leaves the room at her first school. At least the kid next to her seems super excited to be there too.
Yeah for new schools! I can't believe they lost her...are you freaking kidding me! And I really can't believe our girls are in 1st grade. I still remember when Maddy was born. Crazy. How is Colorado? You guys getting all settled? One of these we will have to meet up again.
I'd love to hear more about her crazy "first" day of school!! Glad you got that all figured out. Hope you are well and loving your new home. Fun to see how big and cute your kids are!
I am so proud of you for being proactive and doing what your gut told you to do! I can NOT believe her 1st day! That is horrific! Seriously! Anyway, I love Maddie's new hair cut. Right before school began, Taylor wanted to get her hair cut. 10 1/2 inches later, with a donation to Locks of Love, we were on our way home to a very mad Dave! He was so upset that it was so short.
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