My kids, obviously.
Ryan crawls into bed with us in the middle of the night and sometimes he'll start to giggle or talk while he's sleeping.
Watching Talan do anything. He'll be standing in the field during tee ball with a huge smile on his face. Or when he hasn't seen Evan for a couple days he'll smile the entire time they are together.
Watching Maddy with little kids and being so loving with them.
Seeing the excitement on Spencer's face when he gets a package in the mail, especially when it's spandex.
Going on the water slide.
Watching my kids water slide all hours of the day.
Taking my kids to the summer movies and being excited to see a movie they've seen a dozen times.
When my kids bake with me.
Having date night with Spence.
Ryan wearing shin guards all day long.
When I'm all done with eyelashes for the day.
Chocolate covered almonds.
When Spence calls me to go to lunch.
While I'm doing lashes and my boys are laying on the floor playing with their toys talking to them.
Seeing all of Maddy's creative art projects.
Finding out that Talan really is paying attention to everything that is going on around him.
Good Mexican food.
A clean house.
Hearing from an old friend.
When Ryan wants to give everyone a sticker for going pee pee on the potty.
The excitement we all feel when Spence gets home from work.
I could go on all day.....
I spelled something wrong in the last comment, and I just couldn't stand it!:)I love your list of the important small things. Those things make a huge difference in life! Thanks for sharing!
Ok woman - first of all, SOOOOO glad you posted!!!! Makes me feel like a part of your life way over there. :) Second of all, I'll be calling you (since you like old friends to call). :) Keep your phone charged and handy! Love ya.
Love the list! Hope things are well with you. Do you do eyelashes? I have been wanting to find someone who does them. Wish you were closer! Hope to see you again someday soon.
Great post, Sandy! The little things ARE the big things in life. I actually got goosebumps reading about the joy you find in the things listed.
I think I need to create my own list....
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