Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Mommy shower"

Kim knew that I was wierd about having a baby shower since this is my 3rd child, so she and Summer threw me a surprise "mommy shower". The theme was "Pamper Me". What could be better than that? I got lots of amazing things that are going to be wonderful! Thank you to all my amazing friends!!!


Brett said...

Hi Sandy this is Kenzie Burgess. You deserve all the pampering that you can get. Being pregnant with #3 is SO hard. I wanted you to send me an invite because than I can put you on the friends and family list on our blog. Our blog is private also (too many crazies) so if you want to give me your e-mail I will invite you guys to ours. Hope everything is going good for your family. We wish you lived closer! Let us know when you are in town so we can get together!

Brett said...

Oh geez I am retarted you need my e-mail address. With every kid I lose a couple more brain cells!

Kisten Downey said...

hey lady i am so sad i wasn't there, oh by the way you are not huge you look awesome... cant wait to see you 3 1/2 weeks yea!!!!!

Abes and Stace said...

So you look like a pregnant supermodel! Give me a break would you - geeez!
Good luck tomorrow, I can't wait.
I seriously get too excited when friends have babies, and I am slightly baby hungry so that doesn't help much.
I vote girl!!!

Kari said...

So glad you got some papmering, I just wish I lived closer and could have been there!! Tell Spencer happy birthday!! Wow, the big
3-0!! Sounds like a great party and I love the hat and food idea!!

Unknown said...

Lucky! You don't even look prego! I looked bigger than you did when I was in my first trimester!
I think it is a wise thing to throw a mommy shower! I throw myself one every couple of days... that's how it works, right?
Good luck with the next one!

Dana said...

That is so fun!!! When are you due again? I can't remember. I might be going out to Arizona soon so I will let you know if I do.