Ryan was born at 8:15 a.m. on April 21, 2008. He weighed 8.10 lbs., had both testicles (this is actually important because Tal lost one to his abdomen for a couple of months!), and was 21 inches long. Sandy was a champ as always through the pregnancy, labor, and delivery. The lower half of her body was not completely numb as was expected. She ended up feeling a lot of the delivery, but she managed to "push" on through (sorry for the lame pun). Ryan has already figured out how to work his "fountain drink" with free refills if ya know what I mean! Finally we have a child that is the same blood type as Sandy, this will help protect against jaundice. Ry is nearly 12 hours old and is yet to drop a deuce or take a leak!
WOW! Congratulations you guys! I am so happy for you! He is so cute! Obviously a post from Spence... I can't picture Sandy telling us he hadn't dropped a duece yet! Good luck!
WhooHoo!!! I have been checking your blog all day. I love the name you guys chose - and he is so cute!!! Your little family just keeps getting cuter and cuter.
Yeah! Congratulations!! I am glad things went well. I like his name, what a cutie! Maddie looks like a proud big sister. Let me know if you need anything!
congrats you guys make pretty babies.... i am so happy for you guys, cant wait to see him.. 3 more weeks yeaaaaaaa
How exciting!! I wasn't even sure when you were due and so seeing this post was a huge surprise for me! Congratulations! We have some exciting news too! We are having a baby due the beginning of December!
Congratulations! It is too bad we don't live closer, our boys could be friends. Best of luck to you. Love ya, Lara
Yeah!!! He's Here!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to meet little, well big Ryan!! Congrats Beck Family!!
Congratulations guys!!!! He is dang cute--But what else would I expect. Glad everyone is doing good!
Congratulations! I am glad you posted pictures, because I couldn't open the ones on the e-mail any bigger. They were hard to see. Very cute kid. I'm glad everything went well.
I am so glad that you had another boy. He's darling! We can't wait to see him. I'll call you soon.
He is sooo sweet! Congratulations again. How fun to have two boys.
Congrats:) A BOY!! We are so happy for you guys and glad that the baby is healthy and Sandy is doing well. What a cute little guy.
Congratulations! He looks like a cutie! I hope you guys are all doing great.
Wow, I wonder who wrote this entry. So funny. Great hearing Spencer's perspective of Ryan's first few hours.
Congrats! We are so happy for you both.
Sorry I am last in! Congrats!
Mads looks so good in that pic.
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