Saturday, June 12, 2010

Maddy Paddy turns 7!!

Our day started at 6:25 when Talan came running into our room saying "we need to make Maddy breakfast in bed"! We had already planned on doing it, we just didn't think we needed to start until 7:00 since she usually doesn't wake up until 8:00. But not today. Maddy was laying in bed waiting for her birthday to start!! She requested her Dad's specialty, Norwegian pancakes. We took a different route today and filled them with blueberries and whip cream! YUM!

Maddy waited by the door about 20 minutes before anybody was suppose to arrive! What a little beauty!
Okay... so I was really happy with my idea of putting the Littlest Pet Shop toys on top of each cupcake for the kids. They turned out so cute! It was hard giving some of them away. They were all SO CUTE!

Maddy had a list of games she wanted to play. Unfortunately we didn't get to them all. This one was the balloon pop.
Here is cute little Alexis with the cupcake she won from the cake walk.
I love how excited Maddy is for Jordan to hit the pinata!

Singing Happy Birthday
Poor little Ry Buddy was so tuckered out!
Her new pajamas that she got from her Dad!
Then we ended up with a sleep over in the family room. It's our little cuties favorite thing to do! (Yes, I have a frog tattoo on my arm.)
I anticipated a sad Maddy when she had to give away all the Littlest Pet Shop toys, so after her friends left I gave her a big pack of them. I love these things! Look at the St.Bernard second row from the back third from the left... and the little orange frog... and the chipmunk with the pink hat... so cute!
And the walrus... Okay I'll stop.

Oh wait... the 10 things we LOVE about Maddy...
1. She is such a clean girl. She will clean the whole room when she and Talan are suppose to do it together.
2. Her laugh is still so contagious!
3. She loves to give her mommy back and foot tickles.
4. She is always in her underwear, unless we have a guest.
5. She loves to read. She has been keeping a copy of Ivy & Bean underneath her seat in the car, and every time we go anywhere she pulls it out to read.
6. She loves to do her homework, and gets it done super fast. Such a smarty!
7. She loves to be silly.
8. She loves to cook.
9. She loves to do any kind of project, especially science projects.
10. And she is so good about putting off having something good to get something better later.
(That is worded weird, but it's one of Spencer's favorites!)


Jody and Dave Lindsay said...

What a great post, Sandy. Maddy is such a cutie. Thanks for the fun glance into your great day!

Dana said...

Happy Birthday Maddy! I can't believe she is already 7! She is so cute. I loved the cupcakes, very creative.