Ryan's birthday has been so much fun! It was on Thursday, but we celebrated it on Friday. So on Thursday we went up to Costco to get his "Hop" cake. Luckily it is Easter so they had cakes with frosting bunnies on them. He was super excited about the frosting flowers too! Then we ate at Smashburger, just us 3.

We had a bunch of his friends over for a BBQ on friday night. Maddy was making sure he didn't blow out his candles too early, but it took him about 2 minutes to get all 3 candles blown out anyway! He was trying so hard to blow without getting too close to the flame.

I was trying not to be a spazz about him opening his presents this year. I usually like it to be very organized with each child sitting by him while he opens their present. This year each kid pretty much opened their own gift with him. It was fun and chaotic!

Still blowing! :)

Julie (Talan's preschool teacher) brought over all the leftover Easter eggs from preschool for the kids to find.

She and Corey also gave us this sweet firepit for all the kids birthdays. Don't worry about the lighter fluid to the side. And don't worry about Spence, he just singed all the hairs off his arm when he started the fire.

Ryan got to go to Talan's preschool for the Easter egg hunt. He felt so big! He is so excited to start preschool (me not so much)!

He asks to have waffles everyday for breakfast, so that is what we made him. It is really dark at first but then we open the blinds so you can see.
The things we LOVE about RyRy
1. You still call spiderman "baa"
2. We can't call you cute. Only Mom is cute. You are awesome.
3. You are super athletic.
4. You love to sit by Dad during dinner and prayer.
5. You love to ride in Mom's car, not Dad's.
6. You smile the whole time you are on scooter rides.
7. You want to be big like Evan, even though you pretty much are.
8. You love to read Pinkalicious every night.
9. You tell Mom all the things that you love about her every night.
10. You love Madds and Tal so much and always love when they get home from school.
Happy Birthday my sweet little guy! We LOVE YOU!!!