Sandy is 15 wks. prego with numero tres! No, we do not know what we are having yet and we are asking the docs to keep that info to themselves. We will be happy with whatever we have. Have these people not heard of contraceptives? J/K for anyone reading this who have more than three kids...self deprecating humor has never killed anyone.
We are still waiting for Phoenix to realize that it is winter everywhere else and that it has no right being over 90 degrees in November.
Sandy has been increasing the output of both her vinyl letter making and candle making this fall. Spencer is experiencing senioridous, which is weird because he is not even a "senior." Spencer has two more semesters of classes and then a dissertation to complete before he gets a "job" and we can move back to SLC. He has been working doing neuropsychiatric assessments for DDS and CPS in Phoenix.
Talan was Curious George this year for Halloween. He was quite successful this year. He went trick-or-treating twice this year. He scored the most candy for his Daddy at the trunk-or-treat. He braved the Phoenix heat one more time to hook up suckers of all kinds. Talan really isn't into chocholate like most other kids. He would rather pick out suckers and play with animals than take the best of the best Halloween candy...Reeces Peanut Butter Cups!
Maddy was Stephanie from "Lazy Town." We had an ordeal with Maddy's hair as it would not fit under her wig. We spray painted it to "match" without much success. She fell asleep before we could wash her hair out. Maddy tends to sweat and roll around in the night, she ended up with pink all over her arms and face the next morning. Lucky for her she also had to perform in the Primary Program when she woke up. She was the talk of the ward during and after the program. She kept the crowd entertained with her "silly" faces and pink skin.
Peace out! Maybe Sandy will update this thing more regularly, my bet is that you don't see another posting until the third one is born.
Good to see you guys on the blogosphere. I like to add members to our little cult. I am going to link to your blog from my blog.
Talan is a good curious george, too bad he isn't a brotha though then he'd be even better.
k... didn't know you had a blog! I found it in the craziest way! did your brother Sunny a girl from sacramento area? I'm kindof confused. Let's talk! -brooke
Hey Becks! I just saw the link to your blog on Chris and Brooke's blog. I'm so excited to see you guys here. I am totally addicted to this blogging thing...Cort says I'm out of control! I'll definitely be checking back often. Jamie
You guys are hilarious! I am seriously offended due to the contraceptive comment - ha ha.
Actually all it tells me is you guys know how to have a little fun. Glad you have a blog up and running - we can keep in touch better for sure.
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