Lille is looking pretty while maxin' on the table. She is such a crazy cat. She likes to jump through my legs to jump to the top of the toilet. It is a miracle she hasn't been drenched yet. Late at night she likes to jump up the wall and try and climb with her paws, even though she doesn't have claws anymore. Roast! She keeps everyone in the family entertained with her antics.

Here is Tal in his outfit from the GAP. He looks like he could be a model. He was a good sport all night long. He is becoming like his daddy, the night before this picture was taken he had to watch the Simpson's to fall asleep. It was both sad and funny at the same time.

The Beck's and the Terry's at the Arizona Temple on a freezing night (66 degrees). Talan and Maddy monopolized the strollers all night. To make our visitors welcome we took them to Utah away from Utah aka Cafe Rio. It felt like walking into a Cafe in Salt Lake City.
We will post again after the Utes beat the team Down South.
Looks like you guys have had a fun Thanksgiving. I especially love how you are all bundled up for the "cold" weather. Ha!
I found you! Look how cute your little family is!! Be thankful that you live in Arizona it's snowing here in SLC. Are you ever going to move back?
Hi Maddy, it's Taylor in Utah. I saw your pictures at the temple.
It snowed in Utah today, just a little bit. I learn lots of things at my preschool. Do you learn lots of things at preschool? What's your teacher's name? My teacher's name is Mrs. Palmer. Are you excited for Christmas? Happy Christmas to you. Have fun at preschool. Love, Taylor
Taylor is so adorable! Just wanted to let you know that I finally posted the "tag" Sorry it took me so long!
Hey, we missed being with you guys while we watched BYU kick some butt. Actually - you know us, we really don't care who wins - but it is much funner to watch with you. We miss you! So when are you going to post some belly pics?
Looks like you guys had a great thanksgiving. Sorry I lost you the other day. Anyway I need to call and finish filling you in on dool.
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