Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tagged by Kim!

Well I have been tagged again...but this time I was asked to write about my hubby. And I just realized I don't have any recent pictures of him, so that will be my goal this week, and maybe I'll have another post about him soon.

What is his name? Spencer Troy Beck

How long have you been married? 9 years in August..holy cow, time flies!

How long did you date? About 4 years, that is counting the time he was on his mission. Writing letters was way more personal than dating I think.

How old is he? 29 for only a few more weeks.

Who eats more? That depends on what we are eating. I probably eat more when I am prego. I think I just eat more often.

Who said I love you first? He did. It was cute, but I was too scared to say it back. I did eventually, obviously.

Who sings better? He does. All of our Rockband friend will agree.

Who is smarter? I think that is obvious.

Who does the laundry and dishes? That would be me.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. But I have to sleep on whatever side is closest to the door, so I can get to my children fast if I need to.

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who mows the lawn? I usually do, but I prefer to. I love the smell of fresh cut grass.

Who cooks dinner? I do. But he does make amazing quesadilla burgers!

Who drives when you are together? We switch off. Neither of us like to drive. Except on long trips, he likes to drive so he doesn' t have to deal with the kiddies.

Who is more stubborn? I just asked him who he thought was more stubborn and he gave me the look that it was obviously me. I don't know why.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Well, Spencer hasn't ever been wrong about anything in his life. Ask him, he'll tell you.

Whose parents do you see the most? It is pretty equal.

Who has more friends? We hang out with couples mostly, so it's pretty equal.

Who proposed? Spencer

Who has more siblings? Kim's answer on this was 18 siblings, but that is crazy Kim, we only have 17. Spencer has 3, so I win.

Who wears the pants in the family? I would say he does. I think he wishes that I would more often.

Okay, last time I tagged people I don't think anyone did it. So, anyone who reads this YOU are tagged!!!!


Brandi Jo said...

It is always fun to learn new things! You guys crack me up. I would do the tag, but I tagged Kim, so I think I get out of it... right? :-) By-the-way... Justin had a lot of fun playing tennis with the guys the other night. Take care... we are almost done with this pregnancy stuff!

Amy O'Neill said...

Fun to get to know you guys better! 17 siblings?? Yikes! How do you keep track of everyone?

cheryl said...

I like that one, it was fun to read about you both. Your kids are so cute Sandy!!!

Kim said...

I am sorry that I said 18 siblings. I guess I was counting my split personality...AKA...mad woman.

Dana said...

Oh no I read it, so now I am it. I will try to remember to do it.

kara said...

You guys are great together! we wish we could have done more stuff together but life is a little crazy. Thanks for sharing.