Monday, September 22, 2008

Look who's 3!!!!

Our little Talan turned 3 yesterday! It was such a fun day.  He woke up at 6:30 am with Spencer and Maddy to go watch our friend Mike do a triathlon.  He was such a trooper sitting outside in the heat.  He just played with his little spiderman guy the whole time.  Then those 3 were so tuckered out that they ditched church and stayed home and watched movies.  That night he had some of his most favorite people over for his birthday party!
He scored some pretty sweet presents!  Thanks guys!
Spence and I joined in on the fun.  He was Mikey and I was Leo (I think).
We let Talan pick his own bike.  Do you think he likes Spiderman?  Check out all that gear.  I think he's ready to go!  
It was also Mike's birthday...  so even after his triathlon he and the fam came over for some birthday festivities.  Happy Birthday Mike!  


Summer said...

Happy Birthday Tal! Glad you got your gun replaced!

Emily said...

What's up with 'private' Sandy Wallin... do you know something I don't? It seems so complicated. Why so stealth? Who are you avoiding, and who should I be avoiding?

Kisten Downey said...

so jealous again... do you just post things things to make me sad... you need to move home so we can make some memories.. this is your home not phoenix... do you understand!!!! Tal is so dang cute cant wait to see you guys, just under 2 months to go whahahhahahahahah

Anonymous said...

So cute! Happy Birthday :)

Jamie said...

Holy Moly! They are growing up fast! Looks like a fun party. Mom and dad don't disappoint.
Happy 3rd Birthday Talan!
Love, the Welkers

White Family said...

Happy Birthday!! It's amazing how fast they grow and their personalities become so true.