We went to Maddy's school for Family FUN Night, and boy was it fun. We did the cake walk so many times. Even Ryan joined in on that one. Talan was enjoying his nose during the walk, no big deal. Spencer said we weren't going to stop until we won. And we won after 3 times. We could have bought 3 cakes at the store for the amount of tickets we used on that one.

Talan was holding so still while the boy painted his face. He picked a skull and crossbones.
Then they went on the bouncy slide for about 30 minutes. We got there right when it started so not many people had made it to the slides yet. I think I should invest in one of those... hours of entertainment!
Looks like a fun fun night. We should start up the pen-palling with the girls again; Eliza really loved it and I think with the craziness of school starting, she forgot about it.
Ah! The Cake Walk! We did the cake walk at Emmy's school's carnival. There were only 3 kids doing it on Emmy's round- but we still won on the first go around! Who wants a whole cake?!?!?!?
Looked like your kids had fun- I loved the "digging for gold" pic (get it? pic... pick, hahaha!)
15 more days whwhahhahawhah Quincy is so mad she is not coming with us.. oh well she and i will have to fly out again soon.. so excited to see you.
Hey Girl,
I like your kids... they just seem original and cool. Ha! Those are my random compliments :)
How weird is it that I just connected to my cousin, Brians' blog from yours! How do you know Brian & Jami? Am I forgetting some connection?
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