Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I started a new tradition...

Bobbing for APPLES!!!
Oh, it was so funny watching everyone try it.  Spence did it in 2.8 seconds.  He was the winner.
I think I did it in 8 seconds.  Not too shabby.
And then I think we stopped timing cause Kim took forever!!  Just kidding Kim!
Drew tried to drown Kurt with her finger.  It didn't work.  
Jake would come up for air and spit water all over Maddy.
Madds was a rockstar!  She got lots of apples.
Nashy figured out if you hold the apple on the side of the bucket it's easier to grab.
Drewbie got a couple apples too...she was such a trooper!
 Talan wasn't down this year.  He just wanted to work on his Spiderman Skills!  No big deal Tal... you will have plenty of chances for years to come!!                    


Kim said...

Dude...I love the pics! I am going to practice this year and get really good at bobbing for apples. Just you wait and see!

Laurie Ramirez said...

What a great tradition to start! Your pictures are hysterical!

Jamie said...

Love it! Chase is WAY into spiderman too. His obsession just barely started. All day long he runs around the house shooting his webs at us.

Abes and Stace said...

Your new pics are so funny. I especially love the one of you Sandy - you look like your whole head is about to go under.
What a fun idea. Maybe next year you'll be here and we can all bob for apples together!

Summer said...

That is freaking hilarious! If we were there, I would have had to duke it out with Spencer, in order to go backwash and licked on apples in my water please!!!

That's cute that the kids had cut apples! Good idea!

kara said...

Good to see your family having a good time as usual. I love your hair it looks great!

Emily said...

Fun tradition girlie! What a fun Mom you are! I saw your question about WY... yah, we live in Jackson Hole - and Salt Lake. We're probably 60% in Jackson and 40% in SLC. Officially, we're Wyoming residents - but we're in Salt Lake quite a bit too 'cause of the boys. We have them every Tues-Wed, and then every other weekend. Their Mom & School are both in Draper, so we fly back & forth so Jim can be a Dad! It's a bit of a whirl-wind, but I like it!

Dana said...

How fun! I don't remember the last time I bobed for apples. cute halloween costumes!

wangie77 said...

Fun! I haven't bobbed for apples in forever!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

What a cute idea, I love old traditions! It's sad that I forgot all about that one, I love it. Are you guys coming up for the holidays?

Brad and Kaci said...

That is to funny! I haven't done that for a LONG time! The pictures are sweet! I was checking out your other posts and laughing at the 80's party! Everyone looked great, but Sandy you really should have dressed up! Come on!

buchanancasa said...

What a good time! Traditions are so important; I need to get on the ball with that. Thanks for the cute post.