Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Talan!!! The big SIX!

Talan is one of the happiest kids we know! He is so content with life and just goes with the flow!

Talan invited his whole kindergarten class and almost all the girls came!! All the girls LOVE Talan!
His good friends Cole and Halle
His new BFF from school, Tony.
His BFF from pre-school, Bryce.
A lego creation. He LOVES legos!!

His friend Jennifer
His friend Hannah
Our most favorite things about sweet Tal...
1. He almost never complains.
2. He only wants to wear "cool" shirts with some kind of lego, harry potter or superhero guy.
3. He thinks of others feelings.
4. He is an awesome lego builder and could play with them for hours.
5. He is so good at soccer.
6. He is willing to sleep with Maddy even though he prefers to sleep in his own bed.
7. He loves Justin Bieber.
8. He looks up to his big sister and would do anything for her.
9. He is still willing to give us "Tally time".
10. All the girls at school love him!

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